


What are prototypes?

Prototypes are early versions of a digital product that are created to test and validate design ideas. They can take many forms, from simple sketches or wireframes to fully functional, interactive designs. The purpose of a prototype is to test and refine the design before investing significant time and resources into development.

Humanise Services User Research
Humanise Services Product Strategy

Why are prototypes important?

Prototypes are a crucial step in the design process for several reasons:

  1. User validation: Prototypes allow designers to test and validate design ideas with real users, ensuring that the final product meets the user's needs and expectations.

  2. Refinement: Prototypes provide an opportunity for designers to refine the design and make improvements before development begins, saving time and money in the long run.

  3. Collaboration and communication: Prototypes facilitate collaboration and communication between designers, developers, and stakeholders by providing a tangible representation of the design.


How do we use prototypes?

At Humanise Digital, we use prototypes to ensure that the final product meets the user's needs and business goals. Our prototyping process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Sketching: We start by sketching ideas and mapping out the user journey based on the research and wireframes.

  2. Low-fidelity prototypes: Using the sketches, we create low-fidelity prototypes that test the basic functionality and user flow of the design.

  3. Testing and refinement: We then test the low-fidelity prototypes with real users and make any necessary changes to the design.

  4. High-fidelity prototypes: Once the design has been refined, we create high-fidelity prototypes that include visual design elements such as colors, images, and typography.

  5. Testing and feedback: We then test the high-fidelity prototypes with real users to get feedback and make any final adjustments before development begins.

In conclusion, prototyping is a crucial step in our design process at Humanise Digital. It helps us validate design ideas, refine the design, and facilitate collaboration and communication between designers, developers, and stakeholders.